Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Girl in 14G

Yay! I am done. I was so nervous for this performance, and I got a lot of good comments on it. And, to top it all off I got a 99%. Yay! I am so pleased. I asked to be in the showcase and I am hoping that I make it, if not, that is okay too, but I really want to.

Monday, October 26, 2009

No-Shave November

Oh no! The worst month of the year is just around the corner. Now, I don't know how far out there this little tradition goes, but at least in our school some people know about this thing called No Shave November. It is basically where the guys don't shave for a whole month. It is so gross, and really with they didn't do it, because there are only a certain few guys who can pull it off, and that is only sometimes. Then there are all those other guys who do it for fun with their friends and they just look so gross, because their beards are so bad. Anyway, that is just my opinion on that.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So, because I have been taking world cultures and stuff, I have been thinking about how the roles of men and women are changing. So in our class we learned that back in the day girls did not take math and classes like that. This made me think of some of the guys I know that can process information really well and can ace a test without even studying. For girls, I was thinking about the people I know, like myself, who have to study for a while to ace a test, and I related it to that guys have been taking classes like math and stuff for a longer time. But not to worry, girls will catch up eventually. I know, another confusing post, but I don't know how else to say it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For what?

So, I was thinking quietly to myself as I walked to the middle school from the high school. Here are some of my thoughts: Mainly I was thinking that no matter what friends you have or their social status or anything related to that you should always treat them kindly and like they are your friend, around everyone. Not only should you do this but you should also not be ashamed of them, if they are your friend there is always something you like about them and that is why you became their friend in the first place. Even if you don't show that you are ashamed, that doesn't count, you really need to be fully confident in your mind as well as on the outside of the friend you are with. They are a little bit scattered, but I just wanted to throw them out there and let people know some of my thoughts on this subject.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, today we did line memorization today. So sad, my friend who was also going to perform a song by Christen Chenowith (I don't think I spelled that right) anyway you get the point. So she was going perform this song, but then another girl had it so she doesn't get to anymore. Sad, I was looking forward to it because she seems like she would be really good at that song. Anyway, I am performing Girl in 14G, so that should be fun.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yay more cousins are over. This time it is different ones though. Still way fun to have around. We went running and saw the bookshelf wall, and then went babysitting and got baby spit-up on us, gross, but something you can make jokes about so it's all good. haha. :P

Friday, October 9, 2009

Just Tired

So today, I basically went through the day being tired, but comfortable. That is basically it, the tests and things today I thought were pretty easy, so that was good. I was hoping that my cousins were going to come over tonight, but they are not going to get here till tomorrow. So, I guess I will watch some Psych webisodes tonight if my mom lets me. yay!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


So, I watched spoonriver performances twice today, once in English and once in Theatre. Most of them were pretty boring but there were two that were super funny. Oh, they made me cry almost. I love being in sixth period mostly because I laugh so much. Fun, fun.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My opinion of a good joke is one that either makes me laugh for hours and still makes me laugh when I think of it even weeks later, or a joke that has a pun or is a smart kind of joke. It has a little flip to it and you have to understand the flip to get the joke. I do not like when people make fun of other people and laugh, that is just mean and stupid. It show, to me, the person isn't smart enough to make jokes of any other kind. So, anyway that is all for today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, to all those who know about conference. It is done for today. That was about all I did for today. I will probably do homework and work on our house for the rest of the day. So, not much going on.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, I am still sick, like I thought I would be. Nothing too interesting happened today, but that is okay. I have a ton of laughs in theatre and I think I will be one of the people who stays alive the longest because my friends and family are so funny. Good stuff, good stuff.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I think I am sick. I had a headache all day and a stuffy nose. Oh well, everyone has those days I guess. Luckily all my classes were pretty easy and there were no tests. Well, this is about the shortest post I have. That is all for today guys.