Monday, December 28, 2009


Well, Saturday night my sister and I went babysitting and we babysat the cutest little kids. Max and Axel, they are about the same age and look like brothers. They are also really funny so we had a fun time. : )

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas was pretty amazing, mostly in the morning, because for me that is the only part that actually feels like Christmas. I got cute clothes and things and am hoping to get a pair of Toms shoes, maybe navy blue ones, from my grandparents. Christmas Eve was also very fun, we had people over at our house (which my mom likes having). The missionaries were over for a long time because there really wasn't much to do on Christmas Eve because so many people are away. Later we went over to our friends house to make tamales (a tradition to do on Christmas Eve or New Years Eve for mexican families) that was cool, and now we have a ton at our house which is good because I like them. Now, after Christmas we have family over and another week to spend out of school. Yay! :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009


I am so pleased with my sisters two new songs. They are so happy and fun and I really think whoever reads this should hear them. I love to listen to them and they make me smile. :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Party!

Well, I am kind of stressed with school and church things this week, but also happy because I am just getting things done. Tomorrow I have a performance in theatre and I hope that I do well. I am not all that prepared. I also have to finish a Spanish brochure project thing. And then finally I am kind of the main helper/ leader of throwing this sugar cookie decorating party for some nice old people in our ward. I just called some of them that hadn't responded and they sounded so cute and nice. They thought it was so nice that I had called. : ) Well, that is about it for now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Well, this week we were invited by my Young Womens President to go and volunteer at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission at breakfast time. So, three of us went including my Young Womens Pres. They start serving breakfast there really early so we had to be there by 5:45, EARLY! Anyways we got there and were helping out and stuff, and then the first group was done having breakfast so we started making PB&J sandwiches, and while we were doing that one of our girls wasn't feeling good and she almost passed out, it was scary, and she looked dead. So, we made her eat some oranges and then half of a danish and drink some milk. When we were done we just went home, and that is about all I have done today. P.S. I don't think I am very good at this posting everyday thing, but I'll try.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well, today I did something nice, but at the moment I can't remember what it was. Yesterday I picked up someone's binder that they had dropped for them. On Sunday I can't remember. Saturday I mostly just hung around, because I was sick. Today in my Spanish class we didn't do anything except watch the soccer game, but we were allowed to talk.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I am just wishing a happy and wonderful birthday to everyone I know that has a birthday today!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, I didn't post yesterday, but I signed up for NaBloPoMo yesterday so therefore I should have got a badge thingy, which is a new thing on my blog, so it should count as at least half a post. Oh, well, I will continue to write as many days as I can, but I may not ever be able to every day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So, it is National Blog Post Month, and my sister joined NaBloPoMo, and I want to as well, but I don't know how. If someone could please tell me, that would be great!