Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fire Safety

Well, as I was checking my e-mail just a few minutes ago, I was watching my little brother and sister out the window light a fire in our portable fire-pit outside. My little brother had the brilliant idea to pour gasoline on the fire to get it to start. As he poured gas onto the fire the fire lit and found its way up the stream of gasoline and got itself into the can. My little brother and little sister not knowing what to do decided to throw the can of gas into our pool right as I was running out screaming no (really, I was), getting ready to put dirt all over the can. Too late, us kids soon found ourselves with a giant fire inside our pool (luckily our pool needs remodeling so it is pretty much drained except for the rain that has made its way into it during the last few rain falls. Therefore, kids and people, I would like you all to know that dirt is what puts out gasoline, never put a can of gasoline into a large body of water. That's all for today folks! (P.S. No damage has come to anyone, and our pool is fine because we are going to re-do it anyways.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well, today my friend Toni had a meeting for he Girl Scout Golden Award project, or something like that. That project is basically for 65 hours and about something you are passionate about. She, chose Alzheimer's disease, because her Grandma has it and she has seen the effects of it.
So, I went to the meeting she invited me to and we learned about her project and such, also as a bonus there was pizza and cookies and water there.
At the end we got to sign up for volunteering to help out with the Alzheimer's clients (they don't like to say they are patients). So I have signed up for this Friday sometime after school.
Also, there is a walk I believe to support Alzheimer's patients and I plan to sign up for it once there is more information. It should be fun though. :)

Rain Rain Staaaaaaay!!!!

Hurray! It is raining, and although I would like to see the sun again and not have rain everyday. While it is here in the desert it is wonderful. And, for those of us who live in the desert, it also smells like creosote, which smells so good, and most of us call it the smell of rain. :D
Anyways, things have been going pretty well, finals are this week, but other than math I think they will all be fairly easy, which means this will be a wonderful week.