Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well, I am writing another song. It is about balloons, who woulda thunk. (would have thought.)

Friday, February 12, 2010


I have finally, after many attempts, written a song that I am proud enough of to play for someone other than my little sister. I still need to work on it some though, so that it will be less tacky and unoriginal sounding. It is kind of like an outline of a good song. So, that is all for now. Best wishes to all and their endeavors. :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

For Emily

Okay, here's what I have been up to. First, I am desperately trying to write a song, and whenever I start humming a random tune in my head I record it on my camera so I don't forget it. Also, last night in my dream, me (in my dream) started coming up with a line for a song, I think I remember it. Also, yesterday I learned the Hoedown Throwdown, for fun, because I wanted to learn a choreographed dance, because I thought that would be fun, and it was. Plus I can go up with my friend and do the dance at the next dance, with the other few people who know it. :P Well, that is my new post.