Monday, December 28, 2009


Well, Saturday night my sister and I went babysitting and we babysat the cutest little kids. Max and Axel, they are about the same age and look like brothers. They are also really funny so we had a fun time. : )

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas was pretty amazing, mostly in the morning, because for me that is the only part that actually feels like Christmas. I got cute clothes and things and am hoping to get a pair of Toms shoes, maybe navy blue ones, from my grandparents. Christmas Eve was also very fun, we had people over at our house (which my mom likes having). The missionaries were over for a long time because there really wasn't much to do on Christmas Eve because so many people are away. Later we went over to our friends house to make tamales (a tradition to do on Christmas Eve or New Years Eve for mexican families) that was cool, and now we have a ton at our house which is good because I like them. Now, after Christmas we have family over and another week to spend out of school. Yay! :D

Thursday, December 24, 2009


I am so pleased with my sisters two new songs. They are so happy and fun and I really think whoever reads this should hear them. I love to listen to them and they make me smile. :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Party!

Well, I am kind of stressed with school and church things this week, but also happy because I am just getting things done. Tomorrow I have a performance in theatre and I hope that I do well. I am not all that prepared. I also have to finish a Spanish brochure project thing. And then finally I am kind of the main helper/ leader of throwing this sugar cookie decorating party for some nice old people in our ward. I just called some of them that hadn't responded and they sounded so cute and nice. They thought it was so nice that I had called. : ) Well, that is about it for now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Well, this week we were invited by my Young Womens President to go and volunteer at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission at breakfast time. So, three of us went including my Young Womens Pres. They start serving breakfast there really early so we had to be there by 5:45, EARLY! Anyways we got there and were helping out and stuff, and then the first group was done having breakfast so we started making PB&J sandwiches, and while we were doing that one of our girls wasn't feeling good and she almost passed out, it was scary, and she looked dead. So, we made her eat some oranges and then half of a danish and drink some milk. When we were done we just went home, and that is about all I have done today. P.S. I don't think I am very good at this posting everyday thing, but I'll try.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well, today I did something nice, but at the moment I can't remember what it was. Yesterday I picked up someone's binder that they had dropped for them. On Sunday I can't remember. Saturday I mostly just hung around, because I was sick. Today in my Spanish class we didn't do anything except watch the soccer game, but we were allowed to talk.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I am just wishing a happy and wonderful birthday to everyone I know that has a birthday today!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, I didn't post yesterday, but I signed up for NaBloPoMo yesterday so therefore I should have got a badge thingy, which is a new thing on my blog, so it should count as at least half a post. Oh, well, I will continue to write as many days as I can, but I may not ever be able to every day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So, it is National Blog Post Month, and my sister joined NaBloPoMo, and I want to as well, but I don't know how. If someone could please tell me, that would be great!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My friend Mak... and I are singing a christmas song on a Wednesday for somewhere in the mariott (ugh I can't remember how to spell it) (Marriott?). Anyway, so that is kind of exciting.




Yes!!!! I had a lovely time at the dance, and met many new people. Also, my friend is coming over to stay at our house to attend Stake Youth Conference so I really cannot wait for this week to end. Also my friend A... is coming over on Friday watching some stuff and then we are going to the Anne Frank play. Hurray!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The New House

I completely have forgotten many details concerning this past week. All of these I have now remembered and am now telling you. First of all I babysat the cutest kid on Saturday, my lil bro came along. After this we were dropped off at our New House. So we have slept in it for 5 nights now. It is still weird, but the more stuff from the other house that we get over here the more normal the house is. We keep forgetting to bring pencils and stuff over, so my one pencil is in dire need of replacement. I try to use my pen whenever I can.
Another topic is that we had a sub in our English class on Tuesday. He was pretty cool and at the end of class he sang us a song that he had wrote and then we asked for more so he sang us a french lullaby. Or nursery rhyme, something like that. Anyway, I kind of knew it, because my sister had found it before our trip to France, and had tried to sing it.
Also, I have made a new friend, and we are very similar. It is nice to finally find someone who shares so many interests with me. I love friends. And family of course, but they can't help all that much at school all the time. But I do love them as well.
I thought that someone had taken my Algebra 2 book today and was so worried about it all day. When I told my mom she called the library and found that I had left it in there. What had happened was that sometimes we go to the computer lab instead of the classroom, and we were supposed to go there today, but we got kicked out. I had left my math book there but didn't realize it until I was leaving my 2nd period and so I thought someone had taken it then. I am getting another book tomorrow, I believe.
My English teacher had, had the wrong date up for a test for a week. The test looked like it was supposed to be today, but when we were talking about her promise of no quizzes for two weeks (because she had been sick for 4 days once and we took tests everyday of the week when she came back) she found that she had wrote the wrong date on the board, and it was actually next week. By the way, we had all been studying for it in second period.
Also, because so many things were due today in English I read the entire second half of Into Thin Air yesterday, because I had to have it finished by today. It was so good, and I want to recommend it to people, but then again it is so sad. To know that it is true is especially sad. Very well written book, and I can't do it a good enough honor, so I will just stop writing about it and let you read it on your own.
Well, that is about it. I will probably remember something else, but for now that is all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day

Well, we have Wednesday off. Yayayayayayay! It is because they (the school or something like that) wanted us to have the holiday directly on the date instead of remembering it by adding it to the weekend. So, there is a nice little brake in our week.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mormon Dances

Yes! Another mormon dance this week! I love them, they are not the coolest dances, but as long as you have fun people around they are definitely the funnest. So, I've got to thank my friends for being so amazing. I can't wait to go to the one this month. This was brought up today, because some of my friends want me to usher with them for the play, but I want to make sure that I won't have to usher instead of go to the dance this month. I really want to see my good friend Mal soon so I think the dance would be a good excuse to come down. :D

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I'll Be the Shortie

Well, I am the middle kid in my family, and of course my big brother and my big sister have always been taller than me and so have my mom and my dad. I don't think I will be passing them up anytime soon if I ever do. But, recently my little brother passed me up and is now a little bit taller than me. I think he is going to be taller than my big brother. Now today, my little sister asks me if she can wear my volleyball shoes, because she doesn't have any and she has tryouts today. I tell her no for a while, because I don't think they fit her. But when I finally look we match our feet without shoes on and hers is basically the same size as mine, just the tiniest bit smaller. So, I let her borrow the shoes. But that is so wild. I think that I am going to be the shortest one in my family, and I'm not even short. I'm 5'6", but I think my little sister will pass me up as well, most of her body is legs and so, yeah, I'm pretty sure she will pass me up. Well that's it.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Well, the showcase went very well over all. I got lots of compliments afterwards, well, today which is always nice. I was not the funniest, but I knew that. I think I need to still improve but, hey, that's why I am taking theatre is it not? I am so excited for next years American Idol Showcase, I have the coolest thing to do for my song. Eeep! :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dino and Susan

This is the title of the two person scene that I am going to be performing with my friend Jackie. We are not sure exactly how we should perform it. We were thinking some kind of detective and assistant detective theme going on. I am not sure. I heard an idea from last year but I don't want to copy it. I don't want to do it boring either. Any ideas? Still nervous as heck about Thursday.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I made it into the American Idol Showcase! So happy! Last year I didn't make, but this year I did. Excited, and scared. Well, that is all for now. Woohoo!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Girl in 14G

Yay! I am done. I was so nervous for this performance, and I got a lot of good comments on it. And, to top it all off I got a 99%. Yay! I am so pleased. I asked to be in the showcase and I am hoping that I make it, if not, that is okay too, but I really want to.

Monday, October 26, 2009

No-Shave November

Oh no! The worst month of the year is just around the corner. Now, I don't know how far out there this little tradition goes, but at least in our school some people know about this thing called No Shave November. It is basically where the guys don't shave for a whole month. It is so gross, and really with they didn't do it, because there are only a certain few guys who can pull it off, and that is only sometimes. Then there are all those other guys who do it for fun with their friends and they just look so gross, because their beards are so bad. Anyway, that is just my opinion on that.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


So, because I have been taking world cultures and stuff, I have been thinking about how the roles of men and women are changing. So in our class we learned that back in the day girls did not take math and classes like that. This made me think of some of the guys I know that can process information really well and can ace a test without even studying. For girls, I was thinking about the people I know, like myself, who have to study for a while to ace a test, and I related it to that guys have been taking classes like math and stuff for a longer time. But not to worry, girls will catch up eventually. I know, another confusing post, but I don't know how else to say it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For what?

So, I was thinking quietly to myself as I walked to the middle school from the high school. Here are some of my thoughts: Mainly I was thinking that no matter what friends you have or their social status or anything related to that you should always treat them kindly and like they are your friend, around everyone. Not only should you do this but you should also not be ashamed of them, if they are your friend there is always something you like about them and that is why you became their friend in the first place. Even if you don't show that you are ashamed, that doesn't count, you really need to be fully confident in your mind as well as on the outside of the friend you are with. They are a little bit scattered, but I just wanted to throw them out there and let people know some of my thoughts on this subject.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, today we did line memorization today. So sad, my friend who was also going to perform a song by Christen Chenowith (I don't think I spelled that right) anyway you get the point. So she was going perform this song, but then another girl had it so she doesn't get to anymore. Sad, I was looking forward to it because she seems like she would be really good at that song. Anyway, I am performing Girl in 14G, so that should be fun.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yay more cousins are over. This time it is different ones though. Still way fun to have around. We went running and saw the bookshelf wall, and then went babysitting and got baby spit-up on us, gross, but something you can make jokes about so it's all good. haha. :P

Friday, October 9, 2009

Just Tired

So today, I basically went through the day being tired, but comfortable. That is basically it, the tests and things today I thought were pretty easy, so that was good. I was hoping that my cousins were going to come over tonight, but they are not going to get here till tomorrow. So, I guess I will watch some Psych webisodes tonight if my mom lets me. yay!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


So, I watched spoonriver performances twice today, once in English and once in Theatre. Most of them were pretty boring but there were two that were super funny. Oh, they made me cry almost. I love being in sixth period mostly because I laugh so much. Fun, fun.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My opinion of a good joke is one that either makes me laugh for hours and still makes me laugh when I think of it even weeks later, or a joke that has a pun or is a smart kind of joke. It has a little flip to it and you have to understand the flip to get the joke. I do not like when people make fun of other people and laugh, that is just mean and stupid. It show, to me, the person isn't smart enough to make jokes of any other kind. So, anyway that is all for today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, to all those who know about conference. It is done for today. That was about all I did for today. I will probably do homework and work on our house for the rest of the day. So, not much going on.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, I am still sick, like I thought I would be. Nothing too interesting happened today, but that is okay. I have a ton of laughs in theatre and I think I will be one of the people who stays alive the longest because my friends and family are so funny. Good stuff, good stuff.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I think I am sick. I had a headache all day and a stuffy nose. Oh well, everyone has those days I guess. Luckily all my classes were pretty easy and there were no tests. Well, this is about the shortest post I have. That is all for today guys.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today started out as a kind of a bad day, with a 3 problem math quiz in Algebra 2, forgetting part of my world cultures work which thankfully doesn't matter, forgetting my reading book and journal for English and having to write an essay on why it is important to be a responsible honors student (which I found a little bit funny), but then fourth period I didn't forget anything, lunch I studied for a spanish test, 5th I think I did pretty well on the spanish test and finally theatre. But that was the best period. I was originally 2nd but was bumped to 3rd because someone wasn't there for their Spoonriver performance. I was fine with being third though. So Alyssa finishes and it is my turn. I go out and start performing and while saying my words my throat does a little throat jump, but I got over it. At the end I forget my tagline but then say the line I just said again casually as if it is supposed to be there and then remember my tag line and end with an energetic finish. My notes. Well first of all you have to know yesterday's notes which have to do with my Spoonriver performance, basically all I got was that my breathing was loud (but then Troy said to not pay attention to the person who said that which made me feel better) the other note I got was a question on the jewelry prop, so I explained it and they understood it after that. Today my notes were: You had great energy as soon as you came on stage, and you said the other persons lines as if they were really mean which is something she would do. (eep yay!) My other note was: What happened to your voice, and in response to that I said "I don't know what happened." because I really didn't. The last note was a tiny note on staging that really wasn't too important at the time. But anyway I got a 97% on it, which is really good and my teacher told me that he was glad I was taking chances and not being intimidated by the upperclassmen. He says I am doing really well, which is good for me. Hooray!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, first of all I must tell you that ever since around 7th grade my average for an essay has been a high B. So today my teacher is talking about our Ender's Game essays's because we are finally going to get them back. So she is talking and saying "Well most of them were good and the people who got A's were the people who I could tell understood the book, answered the question and provided examples. There were only two 100% and those were the people who not only understood the book, answered the question and provided examples but also wrote a very nice essay." So I volunteer to be one of the people to pass stuff out, not because I look at peoples grades (because I don't, I wouldn't want someone to look at mine) but because I was bored so I figured why not. So then I am finished passing them out and I find someone has passed mine back to me, and as it turns out I was one of the people who got a 100%, I am sooooo happy! :D (I don't know who the other person is though.)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Line Dancing

So, along with the planathon, when we were there we planned a line dancing lesson for the wednesday after this, I volunteered to teach it. We went and got two DVD's from the library "Ultimate Line Dancing" and "Line Dancing 101" we watched the second one. Or, well, I did. So now I roughly know about 5 line dances. I still need to review though before I can teach everyone. I hope they think it is fun!


Went to church today, and my friend (we'll call her Josie) Josie's house and then they took me to choir and then to a fireside. Choir was fun, and at the fireside we watched Johnny Lingo, known that movie forever. It was fun. So happy, this weekend was the first weekend with no homework. Yay!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


So today we were supposed to have this big planathon thing, and not many people showed up. Well, three did, but that was enough to get pretty far through our year. I am now excited to go to YW's because I helped to plan the fun things we are doing. I am so excited!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pizza Day

If any of you know about the Aquabats then you would probably know that song about how Friday was pizza day the best day of the week. But instead Thursday was pizza day today. Since our school tested above 800 the school bought everyone a mini self pizza, with a chocolate lava cake, a cookie, brownie or cupcake, and a drink of milk or water. Pretty cool, although I basically only had the pizza and the water because the desserts were those fake kinds. Anyway, pretty good day today. Not really any tests so that was good, but I still have homework to do, so I need to get moving with that.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Club Rush

So, club rush was today and last year it happened as well and I didn't sign up for anything, but my friend was signing up for things so I decided I might as well do it as well. I ended up signing up for Spear-it Tribe, Young Life, and Foundation of Christian Athletes or the F stands for something like that. Anyway, that was fun. I had a friend sign up for Christian club and the Jewish club. There was even an Islam club, but he didn't join that one. The first thing for spear-it tribe is tomorrow I think at my friends volleyball game. She wants me to go and my mom was talking about going today so I might actually be there. That should be fun.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So, today I was signed up for my spanish oral and had roughly wrote it and memorized it, but I still needed a little help. So I asked my friend who is a native speaker of spanish for some help at lunch time. He helped me and then I had a couple minutes to memorize it a little during lunch and some in spanish while my teacher was talking and the two people before me were doing their orals. By the way before I left my friend at lunch he told me to tell my teacher that he helped me and I would get an A. But of course I said no. So, anyway while I was doing my oral I said something that I really hadn't learned how to say but my friend had told me about, and my teacher asks how I know so much spanish. So I told him I had help from my friend and when I checked my grade I got an A. Hahhaa.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Days

I love good days. Doesn't everyone? I love it when I come into first period and my friends are there next to me, and then funny people behind me make jokes. I love it when I got to second period and we learn something interesting and new that I didn't know. I love when I go to third period and people talk to me that I don't know that well. I love it when I go to fourth period and Bridget says hi to me and says something nice. I love it when I go to lunch and Natalie and Dylan are there and we make funny jokes. I love it when I go to fifth period and I say something correctly in spanish. I love it when I go to sixth period and I meet someone new or get to know them more. I love it when school ends and I can talk to people and then go home and relax for a while. Well, that is about it, just trying to look for the positive side in things today. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dances and Friends

Had a wonderful time last night with my friend (we'll call her Melany). This was her first dance, so she didn't know what was going to happen, but knew she would have an amazing time because that is just the kind of person she is. We had a great time dancing fast songs and then finding people to dance with for slow songs. She is not in our ward, but she always comes with us to Girl's Camp because she is the only YW in her branch, so all of the girls knew who she was, but the guys didn't. While we were dancing they would call her weird and she didn't care, and we just kept on dancing however we felt like. That was kind of funny, because by the end of the night while I was dancing with someone and guy from our ward (let's say Joe) came up and asked me where my friend was and I said "I don't know, I lost her two dances ago." and it was funny. He wasn't so happy that I didn't know where she was though. Then later when the dance ended (the dance I just talked about was the last slow dance of the night) I found out that one of our guys (call him Adam) asked Melany to dance and another guy (Bob) got mad because he wanted to dance with her for the last dance. So, funny. When we finally got home, she slept over at our house and we were both super tired and talked for about five minutes and then we fell asleep with the light on. When we woke up in the morning Melany had to leave for her church and we were both still super tired so not much happened. I hope to see her again soon, maybe having her come to the next one or the one after that. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


As it turns out I actually did remember. I have found, that how my day goes is based on other peoples moods and attitudes. Probably not that great of a thing to be, and I should probably make my day good, but still I like it when people are nice, then I feel like I have had a good day. Even if it is just one person saying hi who usually doesn't say hi to me. Nice people.


Hooray, hooray, I have cousins over! Hooray, hooray and they are gold. :D Yayayayayayayay!
But of course the worst thing about having cousins over is that eventually they will have to leave... Darn, that is always a disappointment. But, luckily friends are coming as well. In fact, if I am lucky I may have friends and cousins over at one time! As long as that is all good, it will be fun! That is about all I am posting about, although I did think of something really interesting to say the other day but now I can't remember it. Anyways, see you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So, about my testing blog post yesterday, well, as it turns out I did know all the answers! I got 100% on my World Cultures vocabulary test which is great because, you know, tow or three I wasn't sure about but thought about them for a little while, decided which ones sounded like they would be correct, and then put them. Then for the result I missed ZERO!
Another thing to be wahoo about it the my dear friend Ms. Mallorie is coming with me to her FIRST DANCE EVER! I talked to her yesterday and she says she is very excited. :D I can't wait until Saturday!

Me, Myself, and I

Just needed a creative thing for my title. This is basically about my theater class in which everyone is very loud and expresses themselves. Or, if they are not loud they at least know someone. But, I don't really know someone who isn't having a conversation with someone else at the time, so I try to join in but usually I get bored.
Now, I am good at making friends and all, but I am not even sure if I would want to be some of these people's friend. So, what to do, what to do......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I love when you take a test and you studied (or you didn't) but either way you know all of the answers and the test is super easy. Then you kind of feel bad, though because people around you says stuff like "Wow, I totally just bombed that test." And in your head you are going, hooray I just scored super well on that test. Anyway, I had two tests today one in World Cultures and one in Spanish. I am pretty sure that I did well in the World Cultrures one, it was vocabulary and I had studied so I think I got all of the answers right, I just wasn't sure about two or three of them. Then Spanish was also vocab. but in Spanish of course and I am hoping I got all of the accent marks and stuff in the right place. So, that is about all. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sometimes Guys are Odd

This is mainly just to say that some guys at my school I am just not sure why they do things. That's about it. Emily B. needs to call me. Had a wonderful and entertaining day at school today. Much happened, but not much happened at the same time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Beach Trip

All went well, pretty much on our beach trip. Eli came along and so did Aarons friend Jared. Mostly everyone was in the waves. Makean and I sang the Grass song and that was fun. (I brought my ukulele) We went to in-n-out on the way home and got yummy stuff. Then when I got home I was super tired and all three of the kids at home were sunburnt. So, the aloe-vera plant came out and we all had it's snot-like slime put onto us. But it felt better. All of us are still sunburnt today so that will probably happen again tonight. I am just hoping my sunburn on my face goes away by tomorrow because we have picture day tomorrow. That would stink if I had a sunburn. Anyway that is about it. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Yay! Thank goodness for a new good counselor. I talked to her today and she was very accommodating to my needs. I now am going to take BYU independent study P.E. and I have sixth period drama, and had a wonderful time doing improvisations with a girl I met when we started. It was so much more fun to do improv. in the advanced class because people were actually good. :D yay! Kudos to a great day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Stuff

I met someone new today! Yay! It was one of my friends friends and I didn't really talk to him much, but I know his name now so that counts right? Anyway pretty okay day. Didn't do so great on my bio test but I will be so prepared for the one on friday now that I have had my first one. (You see it is hard to study for your first test, because you have never seen any of the tests this teacher gives out, sooo.) But I think I probably aced or at least almost aced my spanish vocab test. That was easy because it was a review. Still working on shedules and things. But I would like to take independent study P.E. from BYU just because it wouldn't be such of a hassle. Anyway, that is about all that has happened today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beanie Babies

So, I am stuck again with what to write. Therefore I have continued that thing I was going to do. This is my life with beanie babies. I had and have a million of them, but never use them anymore. When I was little I used to take them out and my siblings and I would scatter them all over the floor. I know that most beanie babies come with a cute name that is on a heart tag usually attached to their ear or something like that. I know that sometimes the seam rips and that stinks because then you have a ton of beanie baby (insides?) everywhere. That is about it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Long Weekends

Long Weekends are great. Except for the fact that teachers use them for bigger homework assignments. What do they think Weekends are for? They count as breaks don't they? And summer homework to. It is supposed to be a break from school. Not a continuation.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Independent Study P.E.

What a hassle! You really don't have to do much, but the school wants to be so much more organized than it is ever going to be. All you have to do is get a parent, coach or personal trainers signature, right? But no, that is not how the school works. They can't trust parents. So! Coaches are parents too. If they know the kid well enough then you may not be able to trust the coaches either.
So they told me to do P.E. but that is just a waste of my time, so I think I will join the tennis team just to be able to do Independent study P.E.

Dealings with Emily

Oh, Emily. Gone for just a little while, and already you are having so much fun without me. Of course, I do have Spencer to make me laugh forever. So funny. But still, you need to talk to me mucho.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So basically what I am doing for this post and most likely a few others, is I am starting with A because it is first in the alphabet and I pick a random thing that starts with A, look it up, and post about it. I copy and pasted this:
10 interesting facts you may not know about Aardvarks:
  • Aardvark is generally the first noun in the English dictionary, and is worth 16 points in Scrabble®
  • The species dates back to the Miocene period (5 - 23M BC), and is the last survivor of primeval hoofed animals
  • Aardvarks live in sub-saharan Africa, anywhere there are termites
  • An Aardvark only has 4 toes on its front feet
  • Aardvarks are nocturnal, living in burrows during the day and are very rarely seen
  • In addition to ants, Aardvarks also eat a type of fruit called the Aardvark Cucumber
  • Aardvarks can eat up to 50,000 ants in one night
  • A 'Blue Aardvark' was featured in the Pink Panther cartoons
  • The name Aardvark comes from the Afrikaans for 'Earth Pig'
  • Aardvarks are good swimmers and will walk up to 30km in a single night
SO there is some interesting stuff about Aardvarks. I personally like the scrabble one. :)