Thursday, November 12, 2009

The New House

I completely have forgotten many details concerning this past week. All of these I have now remembered and am now telling you. First of all I babysat the cutest kid on Saturday, my lil bro came along. After this we were dropped off at our New House. So we have slept in it for 5 nights now. It is still weird, but the more stuff from the other house that we get over here the more normal the house is. We keep forgetting to bring pencils and stuff over, so my one pencil is in dire need of replacement. I try to use my pen whenever I can.
Another topic is that we had a sub in our English class on Tuesday. He was pretty cool and at the end of class he sang us a song that he had wrote and then we asked for more so he sang us a french lullaby. Or nursery rhyme, something like that. Anyway, I kind of knew it, because my sister had found it before our trip to France, and had tried to sing it.
Also, I have made a new friend, and we are very similar. It is nice to finally find someone who shares so many interests with me. I love friends. And family of course, but they can't help all that much at school all the time. But I do love them as well.
I thought that someone had taken my Algebra 2 book today and was so worried about it all day. When I told my mom she called the library and found that I had left it in there. What had happened was that sometimes we go to the computer lab instead of the classroom, and we were supposed to go there today, but we got kicked out. I had left my math book there but didn't realize it until I was leaving my 2nd period and so I thought someone had taken it then. I am getting another book tomorrow, I believe.
My English teacher had, had the wrong date up for a test for a week. The test looked like it was supposed to be today, but when we were talking about her promise of no quizzes for two weeks (because she had been sick for 4 days once and we took tests everyday of the week when she came back) she found that she had wrote the wrong date on the board, and it was actually next week. By the way, we had all been studying for it in second period.
Also, because so many things were due today in English I read the entire second half of Into Thin Air yesterday, because I had to have it finished by today. It was so good, and I want to recommend it to people, but then again it is so sad. To know that it is true is especially sad. Very well written book, and I can't do it a good enough honor, so I will just stop writing about it and let you read it on your own.
Well, that is about it. I will probably remember something else, but for now that is all.

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