Sunday, September 27, 2009

Line Dancing

So, along with the planathon, when we were there we planned a line dancing lesson for the wednesday after this, I volunteered to teach it. We went and got two DVD's from the library "Ultimate Line Dancing" and "Line Dancing 101" we watched the second one. Or, well, I did. So now I roughly know about 5 line dances. I still need to review though before I can teach everyone. I hope they think it is fun!


Emily said...

Awesome! I wish I could come and learn them!
Also, question: do you want to do NaBloPoMo together when November comes around? That's the official month for it and since you post so much, I think it would be fun to do together. Plus, it gets you more hits for your blog because you get put on this NaBloPoMo Participant list that people can look at. :)

Madelyn said...

Yeah, that would be fun. Yeah, that would be great. Fun, fun!